Thursday, November 1, 2012

Heavy Heart

                                                                                     Source:  on Pinterest

I debated and debated whether to post this. I feel asleep thinking about this last night. There is no recipe for this post. There is a food related post for today posted separately.This is a real life and real heart post. I know you are here to find yummy healthy gluten free recipes and healthy life style tips. Sometimes apart of living a healthy life is being able to freely speak your mind and share your heart.

It was a year ago today. I had just pulled into the driveway from my early morning workout when my baby sister, Meredith, called from Penn State. " Alex is dead;" she said sobbing. I cried too. All day my heart ached. Today is no different. Alex had been like a second sister to Meredith. They are best friends. Comrades.  Gymnast buddies. She was a lovely person inside and out. Truly genuine. Her mom sang for our wedding. I did not know her as well as my sister,but her tragic early death broke my heart. It is still breaking today. Alex was in her senior year of high school. So much ahead of her. The Lord called her home earlier than what the world expected, but in His perfect timing.

Today, as I reflect on this, on the first day of the month of Thanksgiving I am reminded to be thankful for all I have and am blessed with. I will hold my baby closer and love my husband deeper.
If you think of it please send an uplifting prayer and thoughts to Alex's family, friends, and loved ones today.

In closing I am attaching the video for "If I die Young." I always think of Alex when I hear this song on the radio and am reminded to pray for her family.

Stay strong and carry on,


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