Friday, January 25, 2013

Fitness is Practice not Protocol

Hey there the first month of 2013 is almost gone; can you believe it? Me neither! It was four years ago I stumbled upon Tosca Reno on the February 2009 Oxygen Cover. I bought it immediately. She was the inspiration I was looking for. Super fit, toned, and healthy.
I never would have guessed that magazine four years ago would have brought me to where I am today. Eating whole foods, working out consistently, and enjoying life more fully. If A+B=C this magazine  was a catalyst to this very blog. 

 I would be delusional to say it is all roses and sunshine. I will be the first to raise my hand and say I am my own worst critic. I cringe during this time of the year. Goal setting and carryout is not my forte. It is one of my biggest struggles. It is much easier to exist day to day and go about life fulfilling daily obligations. I am driving down this highway called life. My eyes shut tightly my foot glued to the accelerator of the vehicle called my fitness journey. I didn't just eat that or skip this workout; did I?!

 In the past the holiday season has been where I am reckless with my fitness and loose with my diet. It is this time of the year that can derail me from goals and set me back. I can see it now there goes  all that hard earned muscle. From the beginning of November until the end of December I go to parties, host parties, cook and bake a ton of yummy food, travel, sleep less, and barely hold onto a fitness routine. That is two whole months of not being focused on my goals.   I stumbled upon this YouTube from Coach Jill of the Metabolic Effect. It resonated with me. The theme is fitness is practice not protocol. Talk about an extra helping of grace and loving kindness for yourself!

Yesterday I took an afternoon for some me time. I went shopping for some clothes for work. In and out of stores finding nothing that worked. God, you know I hate dressing room mirrors; the neon lighting is a killer. It was between the Limited and White House Black Market my inner critic raised her ugly head. I struggled. Then at Banana Republic I found some great tops and regained mental composure   I started telling myself " You are fitter now then 4 years ago, you are stronger than four years ago, you even wear smaller sizes than 4 years ago!"
Four years ago I started making progress that stemmed from daily choices and decisions to be healthier.

This is my new thought for this new year. Fitness is practice not protocol. I  will learn from my set backs and put to death those overly critical messages. Who wants to dialogue with an internal scrooge anyways; bah-hum bug!



  1. I have been browsing through some fitness and health blogs looking for new reading material and I found this post. I LOVE Oxygen magazine! I really think it changed my life. It helped me learn to see my strong, more muscular body as just as beautiful as supermodel skinny bodies and changed my whole outlook on eating. Gotta love the tough love!
    Your recipes are great, keep up the good work!

    1. Crystal, I love Oxygen Mag too. I find the articles, workouts, and columns super motivating. I was always a health mag junkie, but when I found Oxygen somethign changed. I stopped wanting to be a skinny gal and now train to be stronga dn fit. Thanks for the blog love and best wishes on for you on your fitness journey!

  2. Hello Brooklynn!
    I found your blog through Tosca's retweet! Wonderful story, sounds a lot like me! Read a great quote the other day "Falling is not failing, not getting back up is!" Tosca and Oxygen magazine have played a huge role in my journey as well. Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Esther, What an inspiring quote and so true! Thanks for reading!
