
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

700 Rep Workout & Green Tea Latte

I wrote a while back about why I gave up coffee.
It was a rather seamless transition for me. I really couldn't believe it. I was expecting two year old temper tantrums, mind pounding headaches, and days of passing out at my computer while verifying prescriptions. 

                                                                                       Source: via @TerryJobs on Pinterest

I didn't have any of that. I did start drinking tea lots and lots of tea. I discovered I love Earl Gray and green tea. Did you know the Bigelow Tea Company makes and Earl Grey green tea?! It is wonderful; combining the best of both worlds! I have been drinking matcha green tea lattes several mornings a week when I have an extra minute to froth the milk.

Green Tea Latte

1 cup of hot water
1 tsp of green tea matcha poweder
liquid stevia or honey to taste
1/4 cup of warmed unsweetened amlond milk frothed ( I use my aerolatte)
Combine water, tea, and sweetener in mug. Top with foamed almond milk. Serves 1.

Workout Blip

I have included a pylometric workout from my trainer,Kyra, that I did last week. It requires minimal equipment and can be done almost anywhere. I completed it in 20:30.9 minutes. Can you beat me? Leave me your time to complete this in the comments below!

700 Rep Workout
Directions: Do a total of  5 Rounds of 20 Reps Each Exercise
Complete all 7 exercises in a row doing 1 set of 20 reps and rest at end of each circuit briefly if needed.
 walking lunges (20 each leg)
 incline or wall push ups
squat jumps (100 each leg)
 penguins (each side)
jumping jacks
tricep dips
 medball slams


  1. Totally trying the green tea latte! -Coley :)

  2. Oh oh oh! Also, I have this: and I love it! Heats and froths (or no froth if you don't want it) and nice and easy!
