
Monday, July 30, 2012

This is how I eat

I once read Tyra Bank's Beauty Inside and Out book. She wrote in one of her chapters "I eat to live, not live to eat." I was fourteen. That impacted me so much so I still remember it to this day fourteen years later. However, it was years before I started to unpack the meaning of that phrase. 
Food is cultural. Food is necessary. Food is sadness, happiness, and some where in between. Think about it. We eat when we are happy and because of special celebrations like reunions or parties. We eat when we are sad and depressed. Food is necessary for you to function. Some people make money marketing food and some don't have enough money to buy food. You might even have a complex relationship with food. Most people do or have at one time.

 I love this fitspiration quote picture above. I am often asked "What diet are you following?" My response  is always "I don't diet anymore; I eat clean. " Some where along the way I found Oxygen Magazine with Tosca Reno on the cover over Christmas break in the Pittsburgh International Airport. I read her books about clean eating. I changed how I ate and stopped counting calories. I began seeing changes in my health and fitness. Now I too can say "I eat to live, not live to eat;" well most of the time.

If you have never heard of clean eating.  Here are the core principles of eating clean:
  • Treating your body right and eating the way nature intended with 5 to 6 small meals each day.
  • Not a diet! Rather a healthy way of eating for life.
  • Eating foods closest to their most natural state including lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.
  • Balanced. This way of eating will keep your blood sugar levels stable, your tummy satisfied, and you can enjoy treats too.
  • Staying hydrated. Drinking 2-3 liters of water per day.
  • Each meal you eat contains a lean protein source and complex carbohydrate. Healthy fats are consumed in 2 to 3 servings per day.
These principles and more are outlined in Tosca Reno's The Eat Clean Diet Recharged. 



  1. You inspired me back then, you still inspire me today. just placed the book on hold at the library:) Love you!

  2. Your recipes and your lifestyle does feel very inspiring :) the fact that you have utter control of your body knowing what's good and knowing your limits, I wish my parents understood this way of living as I aspire to have a more clean eating lifestyle like this :) They keep saying that is sounds 'snobby'. Any advice?

  3. Thanks for reading Piqued! This is all about balance and finding what works for you. I don't think food is snobby only people; and this is not for everyone. Be an example to your family with your healthy habits and don't give up:)
